

  • Shields

    C.P.E.® has a wide range of shields for different purposes and needs. The standard thickness of the front shield is 4mm of polycarbonate, however 3mm can be used on request. Our shields have been exposed to the most extreme conditions of heat and cold, from +50 degree to minus 30 degree Centigrade.

  • Slash & Cut

    In many areas of the globe we are experiencing a rapidly increasing risk of unexpected attacks from knives, blades and other sharp edged weapons from perpetrators whose sole intention is injure, maim and kill as many as possible. Daily incidences of attacks are reported from many parts of the world, including Europe and the Middle East within prisons and also in public areas.

    Those whose job is to face this threat are often Law Enforcement Officers, Prison Guards, Security and Military Personnel or employees close by when attacks occur.

  • Training

    C.P.E.® offers training equipment designed to facilitate multiple levels of training. Our suits are used daily by many satisfied law enforcement agencies in the United States and in Europe, and by NATO forces in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. This hard contact training equipment fully protects the officer wearing it. As a training aid in ‘use-of-force’ scenarios, these systems are unmatched.

    As with all C.P.E.® equipment, these suits are easy to put on and take off, easy to clean and freshen between uses (and users), and are fully machine washable.

    With C.P.E.® training gear, you can train as you fight. We are not going for pretty... we care about effectiveness.